
Appraisal Skills & Annual Appraisals

Annual appraisals completed effectively, can be an opportunity to reenergise, motivate and focus staff on their key objectives. Completed badly, they can demotivate staff and undermine their relationship with their manager and the organisation. …

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Basic Management

Most organisations recognise that “First Line Management” is a pivotal role in the success of a business or project. Without a sound understanding of the manager’s role and a good grasp of the basic skills, …

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Better Business Cases Foundation and Practitioner

Better Business Cases is a systematic and objective approach to all stages of the business case development process that sits alongside and complements the HM Treasury’s Green Book guidance. The course and examination are based …

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Business Letter Writing

Clear, concise written communication that projects a professional image is important to every organisation. This course focuses on the skills required to produce high quality written communication that is designed to inform and impress. …

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Business Process Mapping

Business Process Mapping is an activity that involves what a business entity does, who is responsible, how should a business process be completed, and how should the success of a business process be determined.

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Chairing Meetings

Running a meeting is more than simply sitting down at the head of the table and telling people what you want. Structuring the meeting to get the most from the allocated time and allowing all …

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Coaching and Mentoring

The modern business environment demands that organisations constantly re-examine their business practises. The need for change is becoming almost a daily factor in keeping up with the ‘competition’ and satisfying ever-increasing customer expectations. Organisations need …

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Communication, Assertiveness & Confidence Building

Assertive communication is often the difference between achieving a productive outcome and ending up with disagreement. Relationships between managers and staff and staff and customers rely on communication. Assertive behaviour holds the keys to effective …

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Coping with Stress

This course is designed to help you understand the signals of pressure and outlines quick and easy ways to reduce pressure. Which will help you to focus and concentrate in a calm and more controlled …

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Counselling Skills in the Workplace

The working population spend a large part of their lives in the workplace and sometimes work and personal problems can diminish their performance and affect their well being. Timely appropriate help and support from a …

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Director Training

This essential course covers the director's responsibilities, liabilities and best practice in the boardroom.

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Disciplinary, Absence & Grievance

To have an understanding of employment law and the organisations HR procedures is important for managers. Not only to protect the organisation from litigation, but also to ensure that staff will be treated fairly and …

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Disciplinary, Grievance & Investigations

To have an understanding of employment law and the organisations HR procedures is important for managers. Not only to protect the organisation from litigation, but also to ensure that staff will be treated fairly and impartially should these procedures be brought into play. This course provides that understanding and helps to build a managers confidence when dealing with difficult situations, and also showing how to analysis evidence with useful techniques from attendance records, which also includes how to write a report after assessing attendance.

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Early Careers Training Suite

Participants gain a broad range of skills, both technical and soft, which are essential for their professional growth and can demonstrate a commitment to personal and professional development providing a solid foundation for long-term success.

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EDI – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Both legal and moral imperatives make Equality and Diversity in the workplace a prerequisite for any organisation working in today’s multicultural society. This course not only highlights the legal requirements but also looks at how …

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Effective Delegation

Most organisations recognise the enormous benefits to be gained through creating a culture of Delegation and Empowerment. Despite this many managers fail to fully realise these benefits. The misuse of delegation can lead to a …

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Embedding an Understanding of Competencies

Whilst many organisations have a competency framework in place not all staff understand the value and purpose of the framework. This can impact on things such as annual appraisals being completed effectively and general performance …

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Emotional Intelligence

Understanding Emotional Intelligence can make the difference between average and excellent performance within people. …

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First Line Manager Development Programme

The first-line management course acts as a catalyst for the professional development of managers, ensuring they have the foundational skills and understanding needed to navigate the challenges of their role and contribute significantly to the success of the business...

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HR for Non HR Managers

To have an understanding of employment law and the organisations HR procedures is important for managers. Not only to protect the organisation from litigation, but also to ensure that staff will be treated fairly and …

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ILM Level 3 Award in Effective Mentoring

The Award and Certificate in Mentoring are designed for people in their first management roles, including team leaders and first-line managers. They are both ideal for individuals seeking to develop the tools, knowledge and confidence to mentor people as part of their...

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ILM Level 3 Certificate in Effective Mentoring

The Award and Certificate in Mentoring are designed for people in their first management roles, including team leaders and first-line managers. They are both ideal for individuals seeking to develop the tools, knowledge and confidence to mentor people as part of their...

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Are great leaders born or can everyone learn Leadership Skills and become a great leader? It is often said that the difference between an organisation that does well and one that achieves remarkable results is …

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Leading Project Implementation

Effective project management is a vital requirement for any organisation involved in expansion or development. Without it, budgets may over-run, deadlines missed or projects fail to meet their objectives. This course focuses on the role …

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Leading Through Innovation and Change

This course is for managers and leaders that need to develop their confidence to think and act with innovation and creativity. It will help you improve communications with your customers and colleagues by breaking old ways of thinking and acting…

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Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (IASSC) – E-Learning

Building on the foundations of your Green Belt knowledge, the Black Belt upgrade course provides a hands-on discussion based approach to acquiring the advanced technical skills most commonly needed by todays Black Belts. In-class activities …

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Management of Multi-Generation Teams

Developing and leading teams to achieve organisational goals and objectives, is key for any leader to achieve, this course gives you the skills and techniques to achieve your individual and organisational goals with multi-generational Teams.

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Manager Training Refresher

To develop existing or new and potential managers and leaders to embrace key management skills and attitudes within a contemporary and progressive business environment.

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Managing and Resolving Conflict

Conflict can be inevitable no matter how well a company is run, and providing people have the skills in place, positive benefits can result from conflict situations. This course examines how conflict can arise, the …

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Managing Change / Change Management

No longer an occasional necessity, change has become almost an everyday feature of business life. The ever increasing pace of technological change and constantly increasing customer expectations means that organisations have to be ready to …

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Managing Difficult Conversations

Conflict can be inevitable no matter how well a company is run, and providing people have the skills in place, positive benefits can result from conflict situations. This course examines how to have confidence in …

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Managing Dignity at Work

The Managing Dignity at Work course not only highlights the legal issues but also looks at how organisations can embrace dignity at work to promote smoother working relationships. …

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Managing Hybrid & Remote Teams

Many of the skills involved in effectively managing staff rely upon close contact, observation and continuous communication, so special skills are required to manage remotely. This course focuses on the skills of remote management and …

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Managing Performance

Performance Management plays a key role in ensuring that those all important business goals are met. This course enables managers to break down organisational goals and create meaningful targets for their teams and departments. It …

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Managing Projects in the Organisation

Effective project management is a vital requirement for any organisation involved in expansion or development. Without it, budgets may over-run, deadlines missed or projects fail to meet their objectives. This course focuses on the process …

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Managing Workplace Projects

Effective project management is a vital requirement for any organisation involved in expansion or development. Without it budgets may over-run, deadlines be missed or projects fail to meet their objectives. This course looks at simple …

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The modern business environment demands that organisations constantly reexamine their business practices. The need for change is becoming almost a daily factor in keeping up with the ‘competition’ and satisfying ever-increasing customer expectations. Organisations...

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Mentoring Apprentices

Organisations need to be able to support their Apprentices through the programme and Mentoring plays a crucial role in providing the support these apprentices to succeed with their programmes. …

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Middle Manager Development Programme

Investing in middle-management training leads to improved employee engagement and satisfaction as well as enhanced decision-making and problem-solving abilities. This can return increased productivity and efficiency.

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One of the most important factors in determining the success of an operation is the level of motivation within the people involved. Highly motivated individuals demonstrate extraordinary levels of effort and commitment, whereas demotivated staff …

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Positive Language

Being aware of how to positively communicate with others is a crucial skill that can make all the difference to your success in business…

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Problem Solving & Making Decisions

Problems and progress go hand in hand. So goes the old adage and it seems just as relevant in today’s business environment as it ever did. New technology, a changing market place, increasing customer expectations; …

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Recruiting & Interviewing Advanced Skills

When it comes to recruiting new staff, the cost of ‘getting it wrong’ can be enormous for the organisation and the individual concerned. This course is aimed at building on the fundamentals of good interview …

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Recruiting & Interviewing Skills

When it comes to recruiting new staff, the cost of “getting it wrong” can be enormous for the organisation and the individual concerned. This course is aimed at attracting and selecting the “right” candidate for …

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Understanding how to effectively manage our emotional state we can build our personal resilience and improve our positivity at work and our performance. …

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Sales – Consultative Selling

Consultative selling is a sales approach centered on building long-term relationships and providing bespoke solutions to customers' needs. Unlike traditional methods that push products, it involves understanding the customer's business, challenges, and goals in depth....

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Strategic Planning & Implementation

Strategic planning enables an organisation to shape and guide its overall business objectives. Effective planning allows an organisation to create a framework for developing, adapting and aligning organisational vision and goals to achieve sustained competitive …

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Stress Management

Work related stress is now one of the biggest causes of absence from the workplace and trends indicate that the figures are getting worse not better. Some degree of stress in our lives is vital. …

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Succession Planning

When appreciating the contribution a good employee is making we often shy away from the thought that they will not be with the organisation forever. The need for succession planning is an integral part of …

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The Brilliant Manager

Most organisations recognise that ‘First Line Management’ is a pivotal role in the success of a business or project. Without a sound understanding of the manager’s role and a good grasp of the basic skills, …

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Train the Trainer

Training skills are no longer solely the requirement of full time training staff; there is a growing requirement for staff at all levels to be able to deliver punchy, effective training and coaching sessions to …

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Train the Virtual Trainer

Training skills are no longer solely the requirement of full time training staff; there is a growing requirement for staff at all levels to be able to deliver punchy, effective training and coaching sessions to their
colleagues. This half day programme will equip experienced trainers with all of the skills they need to deliver effective virtual training, all the way through to delivery and evaluation.

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Unconscious Bias

The unconscious Bias course is designed to develop a deeper understanding of the filters through which you view and interpret others and yourself and to begin a dialogue for reflecting of organizational values and norms.

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Writing for Business – Report Writing

Producing effective written communication has always been important in a well-run organisation. The opportunities opened up by word processor software mean that more and more staff are expected to be able to produce high quality …

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