GDPR policy

Delegate information – IT & Standard business skills courses

  • A delegate is anyone who is or has attended a training course held by EQV UK LTD.
  • No personal data is required to be retained beyond their name and the course they are attending.
    Therefore, if additional information is obtained during an event (dietary requirements for example) then this information is deleted at the end of the event.
  • If at the end of a course an evaluation is completed by the delegate this information is retained for purposes of statistical analysis and for the company the delegate works for to check attendance and certification.
  • This information is retained for a period of 7 years from the date of attendance.
    It is kept on a secure encrypted server within the UK.
  • No data on a delegate is ever shared with anyone other than the delegate themselves and the company they work for representatives.
  • All communication between the delegates company and EQV with be by encrypted email or verbally over the telephone.
  • EQV reserve the right to keep the evaluation for a period of 3 years to ensure that any disputes about attendance / results can be resolved. After this time, we retain the evaluation for a further 4 years for statistical purposes.
  • No third parties are involved in the sharing of the delegates information.This policy is reviewed annually and revised as required.
  • GDPR sets out the individuals rights to accurate data and to access to that data, EQV retains the rights to keep the data for proof of delivery and proof of attendance purposes.
  • If a delegate requires a copy of the list of courses they have attended this can be supplied on request, this request to be made to any EQV employee and will be acted upon with 30 days of receipt of request. We may require suitable proof of identity.

Delegate information – ILM Qualifications

  • To enable a delegate to complete an ILM qualification we collect name, gender, and date of birth. We may also collect other categories of personal data if required in relation to a specific qualification or programme, and personal data if required to carry our quality assurance processes, investigations, complaints and appeals.
  • This data is required by our awarding body ILM and City and Guilds and is shared only with them.
  • Both institutions are fully GDPR compliant in the handling of this data and do not share with any other bodies.
  • This data is retained for a period of 7 years from the date of completion of the accreditation.
  • This data is not used for any other purpose than to aid the delegate in completion of their qualification.
  • All data is retained on an EU based server which is fully secured meets GDPR rules for security.
  • This policy is reviewed annually in conjunction with ILM to ensure it stays compliant with GDPR rules.
  • GDPR sets out the individuals rights to accurate data and to access to that data, EQV retains the rights to keep the data for proof of delivery and proof of attendance purposes.
  • If a delegate requires a copy of the list of courses they have attended this can be supplied on request, this request to be made to any EQV employee and will be acted upon with 30 days of receipt of request. We may require suitable proof of identity.