Action Learning Sets

EQV can facilitate Action Learning Sets.

What is Action Learning? Put simply, it is about solving problems and getting things done.

Participants will be able to look at the real problems which concern them, rather than considering hypothetical ones.

What are the benefits of Action Learning Sets?

  • It gives participants the opportunity to learn from each other and engage in shared learning;
  • It get ideas flowing and generates innovation;
  • It is a great platform for reflection on current practice.
  • It is a safe place that allows delegates to consider problems / areas where they have special interest, strength or weakness;
  • enable participants to deal with the kind of management problems which cannot easily resolved through lectures / seminars;
  • It encourages building strong relationships and networks.

    What is an Action Learning Set?

    An action learning set is a group of usually 5 – 10 people who get together (on a regular basis) to discuss issues of mutual importance. They are designed to deal with the specific needs of the set members and require agreed action by the end of each meeting.

    The Role of Participant

    Delegates will work together on their chosen topics and decide on courses of action. They will develop and understand the problem better and to challenge their underlying assumptions. Each delegate will be invited in turn to share their problem. Their peers will look at the problem from their own perspective, and through pertinent questions, discussion and sharing of experience, delegates will be helped to move on in their understanding of an issue or problem, and to come to see possible ways forward. Delegates will be encouraged to show empathy rather than be judgemental, to listen and provide support for each other.  The facilitator will help support this process.

    The Role of Facilitator

    The facilitator will help to develop the keeping of ground rules for the operation of the set. This will include allocation of time, confidentiality, attendance etc.