
Coping With Change

Change is a fundamental fact of life not just at work, but in all aspects of what you do. Some changes we can control, others just influence, and yet others we can do nothing about. …

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Coping with Stress

This course is designed to help you understand the signals of pressure and outlines quick and easy ways to reduce pressure. Which will help you to focus and concentrate in a calm and more controlled …

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Dealing with Negativity

In these days of constantly changing working practises, restructuring and redundancies this kind of statement is all too common in the workplace. The problem with negativity is it’s infectious! This course can help managers deal …

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Developing Individual Mental Toughness

The workplace is a demanding environment, with deadlines, targets, KPI, and with everything due yesterday. Staying in control in such situations and having the skills and mental toughness to perform is a needed business skill. …

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Emotional Intelligence

Understanding Emotional Intelligence can make the difference between average and excellent performance within people. …

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Financial Wellbeing

If your staff have money worries, they will be less effective at work. This course will help them begin top address those problems, and then focus better at work. …

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Health & Safety

Increased awareness of potential hazards, reduced accidents and injuries, improved compliance with regulations and a safer working environment overall. Employers and employees both benefit from reduced risks and improved productivity.

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LGBTQ+ Inclusion

Inclusivity in the workplace is important for any industry, and LGBTQ+ inclusion is a priority for many organisations

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Managing and Resolving Conflict

Conflict can be inevitable no matter how well a company is run, and providing people have the skills in place, positive benefits can result from conflict situations. This course examines how conflict can arise, the …

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Stress Management

Work related stress is now one of the biggest causes of absence from the workplace and trends indicate that the figures are getting worse not better. Some degree of stress in our lives is vital. …

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Wellbeing: self-awareness and self-care

This is a one-day workshop that highlights the benefits of developing wellbeing practices and polices so colleagues can feel less stressed, more productive and better equipped to deal with the many competing pressures of today’s …

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Work-Life Balance

If your staff are struggling with stress and time management issues due to juggling between work and their social life then work life balance is the key. Help them improve individual productivity, commitment, morale which …

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