Happy New Year! – New you, New job?

With 2024 approaching CV Writing & Attending an Interview As we step into the new year, the job market continues to evolve, demanding a set of skills and strategies that align with the latest trends. Whether you’re a seasoned professional looking for a...

Consultancy services for your business.

Our consultancy services offer a unique resource for working within Excel. With Excel VBA Consultancy and Power BI Consultancy at the forefront of what we provide a wide range of consulting services that offer guidance and expertise in all areas of Excel. Our Team has...

LGBTQ+ Inclusion Course

Inclusivity in the workplace is important for any industry, and LGBTQ+ inclusion is a priority for many organisations. Social attitudes and legal rights have changed dramatically in recent years, and it’s important that employees are protected from discrimination in...

Embedding Coaching

We are delighted to launch our embedding coaching sessions. These follow up coaching sessions help support your colleagues to embed their learning during their skills transfer period.  Applying new skills and changing behaviour takes effort and practice.  After...