
We can provide highly experienced IT technicians to help with installation of new software or upgrading existing software or manning help desks. They can work alongside your existing team or work independently if required. Many organisations find this an excellent...

Administration Support

Organising and scheduling training is a time consuming job to say the least. If you find that you don’t have the time or the resource to undertake this task then identified development needs don’t get dealt with or delivered. Many HR departments are...

Distance Learning

EQV can provide an alternative solution to you attaining a qualification in the form of Self Study & Distanced Learning. EQV can equip you with all the tools and course materials for you to study at your convenience in preparation for any future examinations. This...

Personal Profiling

Personality profiling, sometimes referred to as psychometric testing or psychological profiling is a means of measuring an individual’s personality in a particular situation. It is not a measure of intelligence or ability – but of behaviour.Profiling...

Competency Framework

Competency’ is generally defined as the behaviours that employees must have, or must acquire, to input into a situation in order to achieve high levels of performance, (the how), while ‘competence’ relates to a system of minimum standards or is...

In-House Systems

Whether you are implementing a new in-house software system or updating your existing systems, or interested at becoming Investors in People certified and need to educate your workforce, EQV can help with training on systems for your end users, and rollouts for best...

360 Degree Feedback

EQV ProcessUsing 360 Degree Feedback as part of your staff appraisal and development process you can be highly beneficial to both your business and your staff.People gain much better self-awareness by learning how their colleagues perceive themPeople generally like...