
Adobe Dreamweaver Introduction

Creating and designing and updating websites are an essential for any business this is an ideal tool to achieve that with. This course can be counted towards your Adobe Certified Associate qualification. …

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Adobe Flash Introduction

Adobe Flash is becoming the standard for animations and videos on web sites. Understanding how these files are constructed and utilised is vital to using them effectively on any corporate webpage. This course can be …

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Adobe InDesign Advanced

Use the skills learnt on this course to expand your knowledge of content creation features and advanced control techniques. …

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Adobe InDesign Introduction

Use the skills learnt on this course to allow you create visually interesting and creative publications with a minimal amount of effort and greater productivity. …

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Adobe Photoshop Introduction

Getting photographs and artwork to show exactly what you need is never easy unless you use a software tool to manipulate the images to remove the unwanted areas or to mix images together to achieve …

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