Tone Of Voice – Writing Skills

Course Duration is 1 Day

£425.00 Plus VAT (per person)

Have more than 2 delegates? Talk to us about our closed group courses.

Delivery Method

Open Public Courses – Virtual Delivery Only  Closed Group Courses – Face To Face and Virtual Delivery

Business Benefit

A tone of voice – writing skills training course offers numerous benefits that significantly enhance communication effectiveness. It ensures consistency in messaging, aligning written content with the brand’s identity and values. This leads to improved clarity, professionalism, and engagement with audiences. Well-defined tone of voice principles facilitate efficient content creation and storytelling, making messages more memorable. Moreover, it builds trust with stakeholders, fosters adaptability in communication, and reduces the risk of misinterpretation.

Who Should Attend

Anyone who communicates in writing, whether in a professional or personal context, stands to gain valuable skills in clarity, consistency, and impact through a written tone of voice training course.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, participants should have a solid understanding of how to create more effective, engaging, and reader-friendly written communications while adhering to the principles of tone of voice.

Course Content

Good and bad e-mails. What makes an e-mail easy to read. What switches people off.
What is a Tone of Voice? Why is this important for written communications.
The key principles of a ToV: Consistency, Connection, Personality, Removal of Barriers.
How to achieve the above. Four characteristics: 1) Keep it simple. 2) Be friendly and professional. 3) Empathise with the client. 4) be straightforward..
5 Steps to achieve the above. Plan, Write, Edit, Format, Check.
Examples of writing that has been transformed from ‘Corporate’ to ‘Connection’
Have fun with the ‘Jargon Generator’ (but don’t use in your e-mails!)
Practical application.

How to Book

Dates below represent open public courses only. To book this course, please select an available date and click the book now button below to complete the booking. Have two or more people to train – you may consider a closed group course. Contact us on [email protected] to discuss specific date and delivery requirements.


Measuring The Success


The purpose of your training is learning new skills and/or changing behaviour. We can help you measure this!

To evaluate how successfully the attendees are doing this, delegates can attend a Workplace Implementation session during the skills transfer period. The cost of the session is £595+VAT delivered virtually and lasts for 2.5 hours.

During the Workplace Implementation session the individuals will either on a 1-2-1 basis or as a group discuss the challenges and successes they have experienced during their skills transfer period.
This will include what they are doing differently as a direct result of the training and how this has positively impacted the organisation.
This is an excellent way to encourage the learning, support the skills transfer into the workplace and act as a measure to evaluate the training.

We compile this information into a report so that you have evidence of your return on investment.