Disciplinary, Grievance & Investigations

Course Duration is 1 day

£425.00 Plus VAT (per person)

Have more than 2 delegates? Talk to us about our closed group courses.

Delivery Method

Open Public Courses – Virtual Delivery Only  Closed Group Courses – Face To Face and Virtual Delivery

Business Benefit

To have an understanding of employment law and the organisations HR procedures is important for managers. Not only to protect the organisation from litigation, but also to ensure that staff will be treated fairly and impartially should these procedures be brought into play.

This course provides that understanding and helps to build a managers confidence when dealing with difficult situations.

Who Should Attend

Anyone who may have to deal with disciplinary procedures.

Learning Outcomes

1. Employment Policies and Procedures

The organization’s employment policies and procedures encompass the guidelines and regulations governing the recruitment, engagement, and management of its workforce. These policies detail matters such as recruitment protocols, terms of employment, working hours, leave entitlements, and employee benefits. Procedures, on the other hand, delineate the step-by-step processes for activities like hiring, onboarding, and performance evaluations. The aim is to ensure compliance with legal requirements, maintain transparency, and promote fairness in all employment-related matters.

2. Disciplinary Procedure

The disciplinary procedure is a structured framework established by the organization to address employee misconduct and violations of workplace rules. It typically begins with an impartial investigation into the alleged misconduct. Following this, a formal meeting with the employee involved is conducted, during which the allegations are discussed, and the employee is given an opportunity to respond. Depending on the severity of the misconduct, consequences may include verbal or written warnings, suspension, or, in extreme cases, termination of employment. The procedure aims to maintain order, uphold organizational values, and provide a fair process for all parties.

3. Maintaining Disciplinary Records

Maintaining disciplinary records is a vital aspect of HR management. These records include detailed documentation of all disciplinary actions taken against employees. They should encompass the nature of the misconduct, the steps taken during the disciplinary process, any sanctions imposed, and any subsequent follow-up actions. These records serve as a historical reference and support decision-making in future disciplinary matters, ensuring transparency and accountability.

4. Managing Attendance

Effective attendance management involves monitoring and ensuring the punctuality and regularity of employees in their roles. This entails tracking leave requests, implementing policies to address absenteeism, and maintaining accurate attendance records. By doing so, the organization can optimize workforce productivity and uphold operational efficiency.

5. Recognizing and Addressing Team Attitudes and Behaviors

Recognizing and addressing team attitudes and behaviors is crucial for maintaining a positive and productive work environment. Identifying issues such as negativity, conflicts, or disengagement within the team is essential. Strategies for addressing these matters may include coaching, team-building exercises, conflict resolution techniques, and training programs aimed at improving teamwork and communication.

6. Writing a Report after Assessing Attendance

Composing a report after assessing attendance involves analyzing attendance data, identifying trends or issues, and offering recommendations for improvement. The report should be structured, highlighting key findings and proposing actionable solutions to enhance attendance. It serves as a valuable tool for management to make informed decisions regarding attendance policies and practices.

7. Creating a Post-Course Implementation Plan

A post-course implementation plan is developed after a training program or course has been conducted. This plan outlines the steps required to ensure that the knowledge and skills acquired during the course are effectively applied in the workplace. It typically includes setting goals, allocating resources, establishing a timeline for implementation, and planning for ongoing evaluation to measure the impact of the training on employee performance and organizational objectives.

Course Content

1. Organisational Employment Policies

Organisational employment policies refer to the set of rules, principles, and guidelines established by an organisation to govern various aspects of employment. These policies cover areas such as recruitment, compensation, benefits, working hours, and code of conduct. They serve as a framework for ensuring fairness, consistency, and compliance with legal requirements in all employment-related matters.

2. Discipline Procedures

Discipline procedures are formal processes put in place by an organisation to address employee misconduct or violations of workplace rules. These procedures typically involve an investigation, a formal meeting with the employee to discuss allegations, and the potential imposition of sanctions, such as warnings or suspension. Discipline procedures aim to maintain order, uphold organisational values, and provide a fair and transparent process for both employees and the organisation.

3. Keeping Supporting Records and Monitoring the Disciplinary Process

Maintaining supporting records is essential in the disciplinary process. This involves documenting all relevant information, including the details of the alleged misconduct, actions taken during the disciplinary process, sanctions imposed, and follow-up actions. Monitoring the disciplinary process ensures that it is being carried out consistently and in compliance with organisational policies and legal requirements.

4. Understanding the Staff Grievance Procedure

The staff grievance procedure outlines the steps employees should follow if they have concerns or complaints about their work environment, colleagues, or employment conditions. Understanding this procedure is important for employees as it provides a formal and structured way to address grievances and seek resolution within the organisation.

5. Legal Aspects of Disciplinary and Grievance Processes

Legal aspects of disciplinary and grievance processes pertain to the legal rights and responsibilities of both employees and employers during these procedures. This includes compliance with employment laws, ensuring due process, and adhering to fair employment practices. Understanding these legal aspects is crucial to avoid legal disputes and ensure a fair and lawful process.

6. Employment Legislation

Employment legislation comprises the body of laws and regulations that govern employment relationships within a jurisdiction. This includes laws related to minimum wage, working hours, discrimination, health and safety, and more. Employers must comply with these laws to protect the rights and well-being of their employees and avoid legal liabilities.

7. Interpersonal Behaviour and Support Skills to Maintain Discipline at Work

Interpersonal behaviour and support skills are essential for maintaining discipline in the workplace. This includes effective communication, conflict resolution, and providing support to employees to address issues and prevent misconduct. Building positive relationships and fostering a supportive work environment can contribute significantly to workplace discipline.

8. Supporting Individuals to Meet Requirements

Supporting individuals to meet requirements involves providing guidance, training, and resources to help employees meet their job expectations and performance standards. This support can lead to improved job satisfaction and productivity while reducing the likelihood of disciplinary issues.

9. Recording and Assessing Attendance

Recording and assessing attendance involves tracking and documenting employee attendance and punctuality. It ensures accurate attendance records and allows for the identification of trends or issues that may require intervention or policy adjustments.

10. Managing Absence

Managing absence involves implementing policies and procedures to address employee absences, including planned leave and unexpected sick leave. Effective absence management helps minimise disruptions to workflow and maintain productivity.

11. Return to Work Interviews

Return to work interviews are conducted when employees return after a period of absence. These interviews help gather information about the reason for the absence, ensure employees are fit to return to work, and identify any support or accommodations needed.

12. Overview of Investigations

An overview of investigations refers to the process of conducting inquiries into alleged misconduct or other workplace issues. Investigations involve gathering evidence, interviewing relevant parties, and ensuring a fair and impartial process.

13. Gathering Relevant Information

Gathering relevant information is a crucial step in any investigative process. It involves collecting evidence, documents, and statements to support a thorough and unbiased investigation.

14. Interviewing

Interviewing is a key component of investigations. It entails questioning individuals involved in a case to gather information, clarify facts, and determine the validity of allegations.

15. Analysing Evidence – Useful Techniques

Analyzing evidence involves reviewing gathered information, identifying patterns, and using critical thinking and analytical techniques to draw conclusions and make informed decisions during an investigation.

16. Writing a Report

Writing a report is the final step in an investigation. It involves summarising the findings, documenting the investigation process, and presenting the conclusions and recommended actions in a clear and comprehensive report format.

How to Book

Dates below represent open public courses only. To book this course, please select an available date and click the book now button below to complete the booking by Credit Card or via Invoice. Have two or more people to train – you may consider a closed group course. Contact us on [email protected] to discuss specific date and delivery requirements.



The purpose of your training is learning new skills and/or changing behaviour. We can help you measure this!

Post-course, to evaluate how successfully the attendees are doing this, delegates can attend a Workplace Implementation session during the skills transfer period. This additional session lasts for 2.5 hours.

During the Workplace Implementation session the individuals will either on a 1-2-1 basis or as a group discuss the challenges and successes they have experienced during their skills transfer period.
This will include what they are doing differently as a direct result of the training and how this has positively impacted the organisation.
This is an excellent way to encourage the learning, support the skills transfer into the workplace and act as a measure to evaluate the training.

We compile this information into a report so that you have evidence of your return on investment.